In case you have been wondering what chau has been up to, here's the quick rundown:
1) Worked various jobs after graduation.
2) Visited Melbourne.
3) Enlisted in July.
4) Posted to HQ 4 SAB(Singapore Armour Brigade).
5) Currently on course at 42 SAR(Singapore Armour Regiment).
6) My current vocation is AFV OPR - BX(Some sort of tank-like-vehicle driver).
7) Has lived on this earth for 7311 days/175464 hours/10527840minutes.
I won't elaborate on the events that transpired during the army as most would probably start snoozing off.
This week has been largely uneventful(whats new?) now that the driving course is coming to an end. Earlier we had spotted rats scrambling about, but we didn't expect rats in our bunk. Yes, right
in our bunk. So one very bored YongZen decided to do something about it. He picked up the rat trap which had been idling about in front of our bunk and decided to put it to use. And so he set up the bait with a piece of cake and left it in our room.
I was quite skeptical that it would work since there were no obvious places that the rats could stay in our bunk. We went on with our usual read, eat and slack routine.
Twank! went the rat trap, and lo and behold, we got a small one in the cage.
YZ was very disappointed, for he expected a much bigger one, like the one he had seen. As the initial excitement about the efficiency of the rat trap died down, YZ asked, "What should we do with it?". I couldn't come up with anything good and reminded YZ of his idea to flush it down the toilet bowl. Crazy YZ picked up the trap and proceeded towards the toilet. Now for the amazing part - The rat refused to be flushed down despite us trying to flush it into oblivion with a pail of water and the toilet bowl flush combined. Thus, we left the furry fellow hopping and swimming about in the toilet bowl and went back to bunk.
Determined to try again, YZ set up the trap again. Just slightly after midnight, the trap was activated again. In the darkness I could make out the long tail and the body of a larger rat. The rat started screeching loudly and I was amazed that YZ managed to sleep through that. Not giving a shit I went back to sleep.
It turned out there were 2 rats in the trap when we had a closer look the following morning. YZ decided to keep the rat in an empty cupboard and fed it with the cake we had. Funny how he had tried to flush 1 down the toilet bowl just the day before and now he was keeping 2 as pets.
Oh and by the way, the rat in the toilet bowl was no longer there. We wondered if the rat was rescued or flushed down by another one of us. For now we hope our bunk is now free of rats(save for the 2 belonging to YZ).
This is what happens when you're bored and have absolutely nothing to do except twang(in other words,
zuo bo lan)
and sleep in the army.